Hi !
I’ve been playing along with draft and i keep having the same error coming back.
Here’s my log
Error Message
Exception during render: An error occurred in RenderTasks(): Error in CheckExitCode(): Renderer returned non-zero error code, 1. Check the log for more information.
à Deadline.Plugins.ScriptPlugin.RenderTasks(String taskId, Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame, String& outMessage)
Slave Log
0: Task timeout is disabled.
0: Loaded job: IA.009.0005.comp.ng.v02.nk [DRAFT] (999_050_999_11e754ea)
0: Successfully mapped R: to \FX-NAS-01\vfx\RENDER
0: Successfully mapped K: to \FX-NAS-01\vfx\Projets
0: INFO: StartJob: initializing script plugin Draft
0: INFO: Found Draft python module at: ‘C:\Users\renderfx\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline\slave\Fx-render-02_instance_13\Draft\Draft.pyd’
0: INFO: About: Draft Plugin for Deadline
0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 0
0: INFO: Draft job starting…
0: INFO: Stdout Handling Enabled: False
0: INFO: Popup Handling Enabled: False
0: INFO: Using Process Tree: True
0: INFO: Hiding DOS Window: True
0: INFO: Creating New Console: False
0: INFO: Looking for bundled python at: ‘C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline\python\2.6.7\x64\python.exe’
0: INFO: Render Executable: “C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline\python\2.6.7\x64\python.exe”
0: INFO: Render Argument: -u “R:/Watermark_Demo_Template.py” username=“ngirard” entity=“IA.009.0005.comp.ng.v02.nk” version="" inFile="\fx-nas-01\vfx\RENDER\IA\SHOTS\009\0005\cmp\output\comp_v002\IA.009.0005.comp.ng.v##.%v.####.exr" outFile="\fx-nas-01\vfx\RENDER\IA\SHOTS\009\0005\cmp\output\comp_v002\Draft\IA.009.0005.comp.ng.v02.%v…mov" startFrame=“1” endFrame=“204” frameList=“1-204” deadlineJobID=999_050_999_22c5b0cd
0: INFO: Startup Directory: “C:\Users\renderfx\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline\slave\Fx-render-02_instance_13\Draft”
0: INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal
0: INFO: Process is now running
0: STDOUT: Checking for license at
0: STDOUT: Command line args:
0: STDOUT: username=ngirard
0: STDOUT: entity=IA.009.0005.comp.ng.v02.nk
0: STDOUT: version=
0: STDOUT: inFile=\fx-nas-01\vfx\RENDER\IA\SHOTS\009\0005\cmp\output\comp_v002\IA.009.0005.comp.ng.v##.%v.####.exr
0: STDOUT: outFile=\fx-nas-01\vfx\RENDER\IA\SHOTS\009\0005\cmp\output\comp_v002\Draft\IA.009.0005.comp.ng.v02.%v…mov
0: STDOUT: startFrame=1
0: STDOUT: endFrame=204
0: STDOUT: frameList=1-204
0: STDOUT: deadlineJobID=999_050_999_22c5b0cd
0: STDOUT: Traceback (most recent call last):
0: STDOUT: File “R:/Watermark_Demo_Template.py”, line 19, in
0: STDOUT: firstFrame = Draft.Image.ReadFromFile( ReplaceFilenameHashesWithNumber( params[‘inFile’], params[‘startFrame’] ) )
0: STDOUT: File “C:\Users\renderfx\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline\slave\Fx-render-02_instance_13\Draft\DraftParamParser.py”, line 203, in ReplaceFilenameHashesWithNumber
0: STDOUT: raise StandardError(“Provided sequence must contain no more than one contiguous sequence of ‘#’ symbols to be replaced.”)
0: STDOUT: StandardError: Provided sequence must contain no more than one contiguous sequence of ‘#’ symbols to be replaced.
0: INFO: Process exit code: 1
I tried to reduce the number of the hashes but that same error come back. Does anybody have any ideas. Thanks !