I can’t run draft after upgrading my license so maybe a dev can check for me. Does Draft handle Linear Gamma properly with EXRs for writing Quicktimes or is there a gamma operation we need to manually run ourselves?
Also can Draft read the Alpha and can we composite over a custom background? White/Black?
How do I gamma correct an image if it’s going to be linear?
Also it appears that it composites overlays wrong when you use the composite operator.
Double-also it looks like it’s storing the EXR values as un-premultiplied so it needs to pre-mult the EXR values before compositing. SBE_0010_COMP_B03.02_WEB.mov (1.19 MB)
I’ve tried using this script with a single channel EXR and it works fine. (Output is from Maya 2012 Service Pack 2 with Mental Ray)
whenever I try Draft with a multichannel EXR it always crashes python completely. Deadline Slave would then just wait until the error window is closed before it will resume or retry again. Using Deadline Version: + Windows 7 SP1 + latest Draft Beta version.
(And yes I was just testing it out in this case on one frame, multiple frames does the same thing)