AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Python crash - large resolution frames

Hey all,

I’m trying to use Draft to process some png frames that are 6000x3000. I ran a test a project at 1080p and the frames processed fine. I rendered the same project out at 6000x3000 and python crash. Python crashes on the render node almost as soon as it grabs the job. Has anyone run into widthxheight limits when using Draft?



I don’t believe I’ve done any tests with frames that large. Are you using PNG as both input and output, or are you adding the PNG frames to a movie? If the output is a movie, what format are you using for the movie?

Hey Andrea, we are rendering from AE to png frames and then converting those frames with Draft to an h264 movie (our script makes the frames 25% smaller).

So then, within Draft, the frames start out at 6000x3000, and are output to a movie at 4500x2250?

Could you send us a copy of your script, plus a sample image file?

They are attached. I misspoke when I said it was an h264 movie we were making. We’re using mjpeg as I modified one of the sample scripts.
MT_simple_slate_mjpeg_burnins_25percent_scale.txt (7.95 KB)

So, it looks like the issue is that the encoder requires the resolution to be divisible by four… you’re using 1500x750, and 750 isn’t divisible by four. If you change so that it’s using numbers divisible by four, it’ll work. Changes lines 40-42 to:[code]

apply the scale

width = int(inFrame.width*scale / 4)4
height = int(inFrame.height
scale / 4)*4[/code] (That will give you 1500x748.)

Update: Oh… and the video encoder is only fussy about the height. Odd numbers, etc, appear to work for the width. (So you don’t need to update the width calculation if you don’t want.)

I’ll be making a note in our “to-do” list to add this to the documentation and/or generate a better error message, etc.

Andrea, that did it! Thanks so much for your swift and efficient help.


Welcome! (Paul was helping in the background too.)

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