AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Cloud Wizard "Invalid value for project"

Hey guys,

i am just trying to use cloud wizard, but I encountered a problem. When I try to authenticate with Google i got the error: “An error has occurred:Invalid value for project “northdockscloudfarm””

I attached a screenshot:



Hi Joachim,

When you saved out the client secret file from the API’s and Auth, Credentials page on Google Console, did yo choose the “Download JSON” option under the “Client ID for native application” section (as opposed to the one under the “Compute Engine and App Engine” section)? I believe both will authenticate, but only the “Client ID for native application” will work for the Cloud Wizard. It might be worth re-saving the client secrets file and re-running Cloud Wizard again, just in case. If that doesn’t help, let us know and we’ll keep digging.


just rechecked its a json file. Is there anyway I can give you more information to help you?



Hi Joachim,

The issue is that there are two different ways to create the client secret JSON file, one of which will work and one of which will not. It’s important to use the correct one or Cloud Wizard will not be able to talk properly to Google Cloud Platform. This image shows which is correct:

I suggest just re-saving the client secret file to be sure you’ve selected the correct one.

Hi James,

I’m having the same error. json file downloaded under “Client ID for native application” but fails with “Invalid value for project”. My project ID is matching correctly.



Could you check within the project whether there is a Default network? Cloud Wizard expects the Default network to exist.

For anyone experiencing this error, we have identified some possible causes. It may occur in the following circumstances:

Issue: The project ID entered into Cloud Wizard does not exactly match the project ID on the Google Cloud Platform. Resolution: Ensure the spelling of the project ID is correct.

Issue: The Google account used for authentication while running the Cloud Wizard is different than the Google account that was used to generate the Client Secret file. Resolution: Always authenticate with the same account that was used to generate the Client Secret file.

Issue: The Google Compute Engine API is not enabled. Resolution: In the Google Developers Console, click the project name. Choose the APIs link under the ‘APIs and auth’ heading. Scroll down and find Google Compute Engine and enable it. If you have not previously enabled billing for the account, you will be prompted to do so. After enabling billing, you will again need to enable the Google Compute Engine API. Once Google Compute Engine appears in the list of Enabled APIs at the top of the page, re-generate and re-save the Client Secret file and restart the Cloud Wizard.

Thanks Guys,

After enable the Google Compute Engine API it all worked fine.


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