AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Column Asc/Desc icon backwards

I just noticed that the icon for a column sort order is in my opinion backwards.

Descending is pretty universally considered:
“5,4,3,2,1”. Descending to me is represented by a V arrow.

Ascending is obviously:
“1,2,3,4,5”. Ascending to me means rising or a ^ arrow.

Yeah, I guess it is backwards. We’ve logged it!


Looks like this is by design for the Qt Fusion theme (which is what we used): … l-tabpanel

If they decide to handle Windows differently in the future, then this will get “fixed” when we eventually upgrade the Qt libraries.


With only a couple of artists on deadline7, this is already causing confusion for us.

Do you think you guys can patch this somehow?

Its a behavior change in deadline, and trying to explain to users that its actually somehow pyqt’s fault is proving to be problematic (as in, they don’t really care :slight_smile: )

I don’t think we can without recompiling the Qt libraries, which isn’t something we’re prepared to do for a minor release (7.1), especially considering it’s not a major issue.

Note that this is by design for Qt’s Fusion style, which Deadline uses. We’re assuming their goal with the Fusion theme was to have a consistent cross-platform theme, and I believe that the sort order indicator is consistent with how it works on Linux and OSX, which is why they chose that as the functionality to base it on. The previous them we used in Deadline 6 (Plastique) isn’t available in Qt 5 either, so that’s not something we can fall back on.


Random sampling of applications and their sorting icons:




I also wanted to add a couple more but the forum doesn’t let me add more than 3 :slight_smile:

The only application we have that has the asc/desc triangle flipped is deadline7… (and in d6, it was fine).

Hey Laszlo,

As I mentioned earlier, this is simply how Qt’s Fusion theme handles it. There is a bug report for it, but they claim this is by design:


Is that the official line from you guys too? Then i’ll stop trying to explain it to people :slight_smile:

Users don’t even know (or care) what pyqt&qt is, so when they ask about the backwards icons, they are asking about a deadline issue. Not that this is a major problem, its just one of those little things that keeps coming up…

For now, yes, and I guess you could explain it by explaining that Deadline’s UI theme is meant to be consistent across all operating systems.

Ideally, it would be nice if the Qt guys eventually “fix” this, but if they don’t, that means we either need to patch and recompile a custom build of Qt, or custom draw the list view headers, neither of which are quick fixes. There are simply more important priories on the todo list at the moment. :slight_smile:


I think if i approach it from the “that’s how it is on linux” angle, people will like that.

They miss their linux gravely hahah

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