AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Deadline (Beta 1)


Please read the following threads for important information regarding Deadline 6.2:

Note that if you are already running Deadline 6.2, you do not need a new license to run Deadline 6.2.1.



What’s New In Deadline (Beta 1)

This release fixes some bugs and adds a few minor new features, including support for After Effects CC 2014, Cinema 4D 16, Fusion 7, and Realflow 2014.

General Improvements

  • Sequential jobs are no longer dropped for higher priority jobs. Once a slave picks up a sequential job, it will keep rendering it until the job is complete or the render is canceled.
  • Added a job task buffer value that can be applied to balanced or weighted algorithms to help prevent slaves from jumping between jobs to keep things balanced.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause interruptible jobs to be interrupted for another job of equal priority.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed regular tasks to be dequeued before a job’s pre-job script was complete.
  • Improved the performance of how job tasks are updated in some cases.
  • Added new OnTaskTimeout option to mark a task as complete.
  • Added optional timeout option for the Starting phase of a job.
  • All housecleaning operations are now performed during each housecleaning interval.

Launcher Improvements

  • The launcher now waits 5 minutes after starting before it starts checking if it should restart a stalled slave. This ensures that if the launcher is set to launch the slave at startup, and that slave previously stalled, the slave will have a chance to cleanup after itself. Otherwise, the launcher might try to launch the slave multiple times.

Monitor Improvements

  • Added Monitor option to enable slave pinging (it’s now disabled by default).
  • Added 4 decimal places to the weighted job settings in the Repository Options.

Slave Improvements

  • Fixed a startup bug on Linux and Mac OSX that could result in multiple slaves with the same name starting up on the same machine.
  • When searching for a job, we no longer prune jobs that have a QueuedChunk count less than or equal to 0. This helps ensure that if a job’s state gets messed up, queued tasks will still be dequeued for that job.

Scripting Improvements

  • Fix a bug that prevented module import errors from showing the actual Python error.

After Effects Improvements

  • Added support for After Effects CC 2014.

Arnold Standalone Improvements

  • Added the -dp flag to the render arguments to speed up the rendering.

Cinema 4D Improvements

  • Added support for Cinema 4D 16.
  • All multi-pass paths are now included when submitting from the integrated submitter, allowing you to open these output files from the Monitor.
  • Fixed a bug in how the integrated submitter gets the output file name in cases where the output name scheme doesn’t start with a period.

Draft Improvements

  • Added Path Mapping support to the Draft tile assembler.

Fusion Improvements

  • Added support for Fusion 7.

Houdini Improvements

  • Fixed some bad logic when checking the output file in the houdini submitter.
  • Fixed an error when loading the sticky SubmitSuspended property in the integrated houdini submitter.
  • The integrated submitter now includes the current ROP name with the job name.
  • Improved Arnold for Houdini support.

Mantra Standalone Improvements

  • The “mantra: Bad Alembic Archive” error message is now caught during rendering.

Maya Improvements

  • Fixed an Arnold for Maya verbosity flag bug.
  • Fixed some issues when using tile rendering with VRay.
  • The Draft Tile Assembler now works when submitting each camera as a separate job.
  • VRay render elements are now supported when using the Draft Tile Assembler.
  • Arnold AOVs are now supported by tile rendering.
  • Fixed the default Maya executable paths on OSX.

Mental Ray Standalone Improvements

  • Added plugin configuration option to treat exit code 1 as error or success.

Nuke Improvements

  • Fixed an error that could occur if PrepForOFX is not defined in the Nuke.dlinit file.
  • The integrated Nuke submitter now includes output paths for all Views so that they can be viewed from the Monitor.
  • The integrated Nuke submitter now displays a warning if you are trying to submit a job that has no Views.
  • Updated the names given to the Knobs created by the integrated submitter, which seems to address some instability issues that could come up.
  • The secondary pool setting is now sticky in the integrated submitter.
  • Fixed a bug that could crop up when setting the environment in the nuke submitter prior to launching deadlinecommand.
  • Updated Nuke plugin to properly handle frame counts in batch node when given write node names.

Python Improvements

  • Path separators for the script path are now set per OS after Path Mapping has taken place.

Realflow Improvements

  • Added support for Realflow 2014.
  • Improved Hybrido simulation progress reporting.
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