Remote connection issue with monitor

After updating to I’ve noticed an issue with deadline monitor.
Slave list doesn’t seems to update properly.
Even tho I removed one slave it is not removed on the list when looking on monitor that is remotely connected to repository.
Also stopping or any other change of slave status is not affected in list at all, but it is stopped and changed if I look on deadline monitor on any of the computers that are locally connected to repository.
The rest seems to be working fine for now, jobs and task list, just these issues with slave list not being properly updated.

So if slave goes online or offline that change of status is not updated on remote connected monitor at all ever after resetting machine reconnecting or anything.
On locally connected machines it works fine.

Similar issue with remote connections and slaves… None of my slaves show up on a first-launch until they’ve been online once. So I can’t restart slaves to tell them to reboot and auto-update…

We’ll dig into this one. Is there any special work to test this? I’m going to start up the RCS, point my Monitor and local Slave at it and start testing.

Update: Got it immediately (Slave list of offline machines didn’t populate at all). Raising with the team.

Have you got anywhere with this?
When I start Monitor over RCS from a remote location (VPN access) I can only see my remote slave, not the slaves local to RCS server. Doesn’t matter if they are online or not. They are not visible.
Even starting Monitor on a local machine via the RCS doesn’t show the local slaves.
Start the monitor normally and everything is fine.

We did! If I remember correctly this was a caching issue with the RCS and I should call that out in the title of this post. @mirkoj was your problem also we the RCS? I believe so, but I wanted to be sure here.

For others affected, just upgrade to 10.0.20.

Yes had same issue and it is fixed. I’m on 10.0.19 at the moment and works fine, but will udpate to .20 soon as well

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