FYI - During install of this build, there is a screen where presumably it is detecting existing Max installs to have the krak entry added to their plugin list. 2010-2013 are listed, and I guess you’re supposed to be able to uncheck any you don’t want to add. Problem is, all of those boxes are greyed out for me, which I guess means the Max install wasn’t detected. I have 2011, 2012, and 2013 installed, but they are all the 64bit Design version.
Thanks for the report. This will get fixed in the next installer.
Do you know how to manually add the Krakatoa plugin to Max? If not you add these entries to the [Directories] section of \Autodesk\3ds Max 201X\plugin.ini (or \Autodesk\3ds Max 2013\en-US\plugin.ini):
Krakatoa=C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Krakatoa\3dsMax201X
ThinkboxSchematicControl=C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\ThinkboxSchematicControl\3dsMax201X
NOTE: Replace 201X with the appropriate version.