360 spherical unwraped rendering?

Hello there! I need to render krakatoa particles with 360 pherical unwraped image like v-ray spherical render. Is there any possibillity for this? There is krakatoa camera modyfire witch alows to render 360 spherical images, but it’s not unwraped

You’ll need to render from multiple coincident cameras. Easiest thing is to do 6 cameras set up like a cube, with each one having a 90 degree FOV.

I thouht about it, but i need to match exactly v-ray spherical render, so is there another way to render it from one camera? There is camera shader for mentalray that matches it perfectly, is there any possibility to load custome camera shaders into krakatoa?

No, that’s not an option. How far off from the vray render was it?

well it’s pretty far from what i get from v-ray

No, I mean how far off was my suggested setup from the vray camera?

youur suggested setup will not work couse I need to render 360 spherical for technical reasons, I’m searching the way to match v-ray spherical render.

if u really need to match the vray spherical render you defenately need to use a cube setup like chad described. A disadvantage of this method is that u need to push the resolution very high in order to get a usable result, because you need to render it again (in vray with the spherical cam), not to mention that it has to render 6 times ( i guess u like to use motionblur aswell ) to render only one image. if its not really nessesary for you to match pixel by pixel the vray spherical rendering and you will be happy with a cylindrical rendering (crop of the shperical) then i would recommend you a setup with 8 cameras (FOV 45 degree) each of them rotated by 45 degrees which cover 360 degrees. when doing so, you can set the rendering height to a higher value than the rendering width to “get more from the top image”, but in general you dont need to push the “overall resolution” so high. for example:

total renderwidth should be 4000 pixels; then you just need to set 500pixels for render width ( 4000pixel/devided by 8 cameras). renderhight is up to you.

i would stuff this in a script, and only use one camera rotating 7 times, rendering it to one bitmap to make it handy.

hope that helps.

if your more advanced in scripting i suggest to write a script that renders a spericalmap on default. but i guess u need to work with the max sdk to write a point camera… anyways, the math behind that can be found here:
books.google.de/books?id=9nJBAJh … e&q&f=true
cheers Cruzifer

it will, because:

  1. setup 6 cameras (front,back,top,left,right) render your krakatoa particles as a cubic rendering
  2. take this image and put onto a cube, enable vray, and render again as 360 degrees.
  3. voila :slight_smile:

cheers Cruzifer