3ds Command V-ray DBR submission overrides use local host

Hi All

I’m using the Monitors 3ds Command Submission to submit V-ray DBR jobs, and it seems to be overriding the ‘use local host’ setting in the scene.

In the scene I un-tick use local host under V-Ray DBR settings, and then save the scene, before submitting in monitor. But then the host computer ends up working on the light cache, prepass and render with it’s CPU at 100% the whole time. Am I missing something or is there a bug somewhere?

Other info:
Deadline Version: R (2a6ca6695)
FranticX Version: R (18dc8288a)
3ds Max 2015
V-Ray 3.10.03


A side problem to this is that the host machine seems to be rendering at a different gamma to all the slave machines.

Anyone know any quick fixes to this?

Hello Dave,

I am trying to see if I can reproduce this internally so we can try to find the issue. I hope to have this tested by the end of day tomorrow, but I need to do some prep for testing it first.

I’ve got same problem with gamma as you Dave and I’ve made some experiments:

  1. When I’ve submitted 3ds Command Job with DBR, scene gamma set to 2.2, no gamma correction, then master node had wrong gamma. Slaves were fine.
  2. When I’ve submitted 3ds Command Job with no DBR, scene gamma set to 2.2, no correction, then whole scene got wrong gamma, 1 insted of 2.2.
  3. When I’ve submitted 3ds Command Job with no DBR, scene gamma set to 2.2, gamma correction set to 2.2, then everything was ok.
  4. When I’ve submitted 3ds Command Job with DBR, scene gamma set to 2.2, gamma correction set to 2.2, then everything was ok.
  5. When I’ve submitted 3dsmax Job with no DBR, scene gamma set to 2.2, no gamma correction, then everything was ok.

It got me thinking that something is wrong with 3dsmaxcmd.exe.

So, I’ve submitted render from windows command line using 3dscommand.exe with same scene (gamma 2.2, no gamma correction) and again gamma was incorrect (1 instead of 2.2) It looks like 3dsmaxcmd.exe don’t read gamma value from maxfile and you have to pass it manually.

I’m still looking for solution, because I would like to have fully working DBR render without setting gamma correction manually.

Additional information:

  • 3dsmax 2015
  • vray adv 2.50.01
  • deadline R


you could do #2, everything gets wrong gamma and use DRAFT to fix as a post-render job, yeah? that’s not a ‘fix’ per se, but a hack - but maybe it will work for you.


you could do #2, everything gets wrong gamma and use DRAFT to fix as a post-render job, yeah? that’s not a ‘fix’ per se, but a hack - but maybe it will work for you.
