3ds max - Can I render the same frame multiple times?

Hi there :slight_smile:

Is it possible to submit a 3ds max job that renders the same frame multiple times with different task IDs?

The situation is as follows. I have a big animated 3ds max scene where I use a postLoad script to setup the right visibility set depending on the current taskID. There are a lot of different visibilities, that means it would be nice that it renders multiple times the first frame, with only one submission, one 3ds max scene and the output will be different because of the associated taskID.

The only work around so far is to submit every job seperatly which takes a long time and makes the Deadline que very long and I would like to have one job submission with many tasks instead.

Things I have tried:

  • to submit a frame sequence like [0,0,0] but it will reduce it to a unique array
  • changing the time slider to frame 0 in the postLoad script, didnā€™t do the trick either

Is this even possible or do I have live in a fantasy? :stuck_out_tongue:
Any suggestions I can try?

Iā€™m not sure I understand what you are doing ā€“ my scripting knowledge is only basic ā€“ but, could you have the postload script use the ā€œcurrent frameā€ rather than a taskID. Or set the taskID based on ā€˜current frameā€™? Then you could submit a render range, and your visibilities would change according to frame number.

could you set this up as a batch script and submit that?

Yes, this is possible but it will still render the frame that it is assigned to. Unfortunately the scene has also animations which means the right visibility is there but it still renders the wrong frameā€¦ :frowning:

I couldā€¦ but it takes a couple of seconds to submit which takes a long time if I have to submit 1000+ jobs. Also in this way it is not possible to use chunksā€¦ which could save a lot of startup times if a single slave can render multiple tasks with a single scene load.

Nonetheless, because of a lack of alternatives I have to do it like this anyway :wink:

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