We are testing Spot Fleets in Deadline using AWS Portal. We have our own custom AMI which is setup using the exact same 3ds Max and Vray installers used on our local farm. I have a very simple 3ds Max & Vray Job to test (Teapot and Vray Sun) which although renders without Error on a fired up instance (m5.8large for testing) looks quite different to when rendered local and also is missing all of the embedded AOV / Render Elements that the locally rendered .exr’s contain and are required.
Looking for potential reasons why and if anyone can help narrow down the search.
Thank you
A good resource for us would be a task report where you’re seeing the missing elements.
From there, the things I check would be:
- Do we see ‘file not found’ errors? And is the file path an on-premise path?
- If an on-premise path, path mapping has failed. Make sure the path in question is set up as a root directory in the Monitor under Tools->Configure Asset Server
- If not an on-premise path, check the asset server logs for failures to upload the file in question.
- The custom AMI is based on one of ours, and set up with these steps from the docs.
- Without that the asset transfer system won’t work.