3dsNY - Using Krakatoa to place rivets

Hey Bobo,

I attended the evening in NY whereby you described placing rivets on the bridge in Final Destination 5 (i think?) by isolating the pixel colour of a black and white distribution map, finding the center pixel, spawning a particle then placing the rivet on that particle. I was wondering, did you have a link to that tutorial or any information on how to reproduce such a workflow at all?



Hi Mark,

That tutorial was featured yesterday in our webinar on Krakatoa Magma. We will have another round of the same webinar in an hour, and then we will post the recording on our website (like we did with all other Krakatoa webinars so far).

This means that the Rivets demo will be available for public viewing around the end of the week :slight_smile:

This is great, thanks very much Bobo!

The Webinar videos are now online, the 9th Chapter shows the Rivets example.
thinkboxsoftware.com/krakato … nar-part3/