7.1 SMTD minor bug - Batch title ignores $scene

Very minor bug…

When submitting a 3ds Max tiling job using SMTD the Batch group fails to pickup the scene name when using the $scene variable



Thanks for reporting this, I’ll have this tested and we will pass it along to the devs. Thanks again!

Hi Dave,

Thanks for the report!
We have a fix internally and we will try to make it available to our customers ASAP.

If you are interested in fixing it yourself, you can simply

  • Navigate to your Deadline 7.1 Repository
  • Locate the folder \Submission\3dsmax\Main\
  • Open the file SubmitMaxToDeadline_Functions.ms
  • Search for the string “fn getBatchName =”
  • Modify the function definition like this:
		fn getBatchName =
			(SMTDFunctions.FormatJobName SMTDSettings.JobName) + " BATCH [" + localtime +"]"
  • Save the file.
  • Restart SMTD and try to submit again - hopefully the Batch name will have the $scene token replaced correctly…