Being my first post here, please allow me to say Thank You Very Much! for the fully functional 2-node mode. Farms are so terribly awkward and specific to a studio’s software, production needs and hardware, that the time to work through possibilties is truly appreciated. I am super impressed with Deadline’s flexibility and capability (although I’m sure folks would appreciate Autodesk fixing the scripting bug in 2012 since it apparently missed their hotfix-1). I feel for ya.
I’ve only just scratched the surface of Deadline 5, but am looking forward to learning more. Can’t wait to try out some Terragen 2 renders, plodding though they’ll be. I’ve been using a bash prompt as a T2 render manager, which leaves “a tad” to be desired.
[size=150]Thanks again Thinkbox![/size]
(you’re going to cause me to over[spend]haul my hardware budget. My wife sends her eternal gratitude)