AddStdoutHandler executed in what order?

We have an issue where Nuke sometimes completes a task but then hangs. To get around it for now, I added a StdOutHandler to match “Total render time:” and ExitWithSuccess()

So we now having the following StdOutHandlers

self.AddStdoutHandler( ".*ERROR:.*", self.HandleError ) self.AddStdoutHandler( ".*Error:.*", self.HandleError ) self.AddStdoutHandler( ".* seconds to execute", self.HandleProgress ) self.AddStdoutHandler( ".* took [0-9]*\\.[0-9]* seconds", self.HandleProgress ) self.AddStdoutHandler( "Total render time:.*", self.HandleComplete )

[code] def HandleError( self ):
LogInfo( "Detected Error: " + self.GetRegexMatch( 0 ))
FailRender( self.GetRegexMatch( 0 ) )

def HandleComplete( self ):
	LogInfo( "Detected Task Completion (Whiskytree): " + self.GetRegexMatch( 0 ) )
	SetStatusMessage( "Detected Task Completion: " + self.GetRegexMatch( 0 ) )

The problem is the “Total render time:” match seems to be preempting the matches for “ERROR:”/“Error:”

For example:

0: STDOUT: Loading C:/Program Files/Nuke6.1v2/plugins/Log2Lin.dll 0: STDOUT: Loading C:/Program Files/Nuke6.1v2/plugins/Vectorfield.dll 0: STDOUT: Loading C:/Program Files/Nuke6.1v2/plugins/Colorspace.dll 0: STDOUT: Loading C:/Program Files/Nuke6.1v2/plugins/objReader.dll 0: STDOUT: [13:06.51] ERROR: Read5: Cannot read image file "X:/show/dev/AA/1000/rndr/AA_1000_lighting_CMAP/CMAP_f1280_left/v018/CMAP_f1280_left_Main/CMAP_f1280_left_Main_v018.1227.exr". Too many open files. 0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: [13:06.51] ERROR: Read5: X:/show/dev/AA/1000/rndr/AA_1000_lighting_CMAP/CMAP_f1280_left/v018/CMAP_f1280_left_Main/CMAP_f1280_left_Main_v018.1227.exr: Reader did not set channels 0: STDOUT: [13:06.51] ERROR: Read5: X:/show/dev/AA/1000/rndr/AA_1000_lighting_CMAP/CMAP_f1280_left/v018/CMAP_f1280_left_Main/CMAP_f1280_left_Main_v018.1227.exr: Reader did not set channels 0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: [13:06.51] ERROR: Read5: X:/show/dev/AA/1000/rndr/AA_1000_lighting_CMAP/CMAP_f1280_left/v018/CMAP_f1280_left_Main/CMAP_f1280_left_Main_v018.1227.exr: Reader did not set bounding box 0: STDOUT: [13:06.51] ERROR: Read5: X:/show/dev/AA/1000/rndr/AA_1000_lighting_CMAP/CMAP_f1280_left/v018/CMAP_f1280_left_Main/CMAP_f1280_left_Main_v018.1227.exr: Reader did not set bounding box 0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: [13:06.51] ERROR: Read36: Cannot read image file "X:/show/dev/AA/1000/rndr/AA_1000_lighting_tree/FG_volume_left/v018/FG_volume_left_Main/FG_volume_left_Main_v018.1036.exr". Too many open files. 0: STDOUT: [13:06.51] ERROR: Read36: Cannot read image file "X:/show/dev/AA/1000/rndr/AA_1000_lighting_tree/FG_volume_left/v018/FG_volume_left_Main/FG_volume_left_Main_v018.1036.exr". Too many open files. 0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: [13:06.51] ERROR: Read36: X:/show/dev/AA/1000/rndr/AA_1000_lighting_tree/FG_volume_left/v018/FG_volume_left_Main/FG_volume_left_Main_v018.1036.exr: Reader did not set channels 0: STDOUT: [13:06.51] ERROR: Read36: X:/show/dev/AA/1000/rndr/AA_1000_lighting_tree/FG_volume_left/v018/FG_volume_left_Main/FG_volume_left_Main_v018.1036.exr: Reader did not set channels 0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: [13:06.51] ERROR: Read36: X:/show/dev/AA/1000/rndr/AA_1000_lighting_tree/FG_volume_left/v018/FG_volume_left_Main/FG_volume_left_Main_v018.1036.exr: Reader did not set bounding box 0: STDOUT: [13:06.51] ERROR: Read36: X:/show/dev/AA/1000/rndr/AA_1000_lighting_tree/FG_volume_left/v018/FG_volume_left_Main/FG_volume_left_Main_v018.1036.exr: Reader did not set bounding box 0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: [13:06.51] ERROR: Read16: Cannot read image file "X:/show/dev/AA/1000/rndr/AA_1000_lighting_tree/BG_volume_left/v018/BG_volume_left_Main/BG_volume_left_Main_v018.1036.exr". Too many open files. 0: STDOUT: [13:06.51] ERROR: Read16: Cannot read image file "X:/show/dev/AA/1000/rndr/AA_1000_lighting_tree/BG_volume_left/v018/BG_volume_left_Main/BG_volume_left_Main_v018.1036.exr". Too many open files. 0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: [13:06.51] ERROR: Read16: X:/show/dev/AA/1000/rndr/AA_1000_lighting_tree/BG_volume_left/v018/BG_volume_left_Main/BG_volume_left_Main_v018.1036.exr: Reader did not set channels 0: STDOUT: [13:06.51] ERROR: Read16: X:/show/dev/AA/1000/rndr/AA_1000_lighting_tree/BG_volume_left/v018/BG_volume_left_Main/BG_volume_left_Main_v018.1036.exr: Reader did not set channels 0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: [13:06.51] ERROR: Read16: X:/show/dev/AA/1000/rndr/AA_1000_lighting_tree/BG_volume_left/v018/BG_volume_left_Main/BG_volume_left_Main_v018.1036.exr: Reader did not set bounding box 0: STDOUT: [13:06.51] ERROR: Read16: X:/show/dev/AA/1000/rndr/AA_1000_lighting_tree/BG_volume_left/v018/BG_volume_left_Main/BG_volume_left_Main_v018.1036.exr: Reader did not set bounding box 0: INFO: Detected Task Completion: Total render time: 6.40 seconds

As you can see, “Total render time:” is matched even after 5 or 6 lines with “ERROR:” in them. Shouldn’t FailRender() have already been called?! Why are the Errors not being matched.

Is “Another error occurred in regex function” coming from Nuke or Deadline?


I think the “Reader did not set channels” bit of the log is indicating that something is not correct in the channels that are being passed between 2 or more nodes in your Nuke comp.
My money is on something not being quite right in your Nuke comp.
Can you post the Nuke script?

The error in this case is the Nuke/Windows issue “Too many open files”. Once this issue happens, you’ll get a ton of different errors at Read nodes, Copy nodes, etc. That’s a whole other nightmare, but the thing that is critical to me at the moment is why Deadline is not seeing the “ERROR:” output. I want it to match that and call FailRender(). Otherwise, it makes it to the end of the log output and matches “Total render time:” and calls ExitWithSuccess().

To solve one problem, I’ve created a different problem… but this is happening because Deadline isn’t behaving as I expected.

Ryan should be back tomorrow to shed some light on this. For now I’m not really sure what’s going on there either.

I’m not in the office yet to confirm this, but I’m wondering if the ExitWithSuccess() is overriding the FailRender(). Maybe try something like this to see if it helps:

   ErrorOccurred = False

   def HandleError( self ):
      LogInfo( "Detected Error: " + self.GetRegexMatch( 0 ))
      self.ErrorOccurred = True
      FailRender( self.GetRegexMatch( 0 ) )

   def HandleComplete( self ):
      if not self.ErrorOccurred:
         LogInfo( "Detected Task Completion (Whiskytree): " + self.GetRegexMatch( 0 ) )
         SetStatusMessage( "Detected Task Completion: " + self.GetRegexMatch( 0 ) )

Then in the Nuke plug-in’s PreRenderTasks function, you would reset “ErrorOccurred” to False.


  • Ryan