AE CS 3 submission error


We’ve installed “Deadline 3 sp1 2-slave demo” on windows xp sp2 x64. We created repository on 1st computer and installed slave on 2nd. When we submit After Effect CS3 file from the 1st computer with the script (AfterEffectSubmussion) everything is OK . But now we have a question: can we submit a job from 3rd computer, so that 2nd will render it? Unfortunately I couldn’t find an answer in manual. When I try to launch script on 3rd or on 2nd computer(which has slave software installed) from 1st computer (through network) it says “error in 560 string”. Can you help me, thank you.

You should be able to submit from as many machines as you want - the demo mode only limits the number of slaves that can be in the repository.

Just to confirm, are you getting this error message when submitting from within After Effects, or when submitting from the Monitor? Can you post a screen shot of the error?


  • Ryan

I am getting this error message when submitting from within After Effects. I open project on 3rd computer (project is located on shared folder “xxx” of 1st computer) --> then set “render queue” in AE to render AVI file back to this shared folder “xxx\avi” on 1st computer --> finally go to “file - scripts - run script” and choose “SubmitAEToDeadline.jsx” located on shared “REPOSITORY” folder on 1st computer. After that two error windows appear one after another:

Permissions for “REPOSITORY” are set correctly (everyone: modify -…- write), all paths in AE project are network ones. When submitting AE project threw “deadline monitor” it often give an error like in this case

One thing that may help to find bug: after I submit project, a folder appear in “\REPOSITORY\submission\AfterEffects”. May be something wrong with paths, so it creates it inside?

Thanks for the additional info. You should be using the SubmitToDeadline.jsx file found in \your\repository\clientSetup\AfterEffects instead of the SubmitAEToDeadline.jsx file in \your\repository\submission\AfterEffects. The SubmitToDeadline.jsx script does some initialization and then calls SubmitAEToDeadline.jsx, so that might explain the error message. See this documentation for setting up the After Effects submission script: … tsetup.php

For the Monitor submission error, that same link you posted also contains the solution. :slight_smile:


  • Ryan

Thanks for help, but something still wrong.
When 3rd’s AE runs script “SubmitToDeadline.jsx” on 1st “\Aesf-archiv\REPOSITORY\clientSetup\AfterEffects” there is script error at line 5. When I copy “1st/[Deadline Repository]/ClientSetup/AfterEffects/SubmitToDeadline.jsx” to “3rd[After Effects Install Directory]\Support Files\Scripts” and run it from there - result is the same.
As I understand, when AE calls SubmitToDeadline.jsx it finds some paths using “deadlinecommand.exe” (root= system.callSystem(“deadlinecommand.exe GetRepositoryRoot”):wink: and then use it here: [scriptPath = root + “\Submission\AfterEffects\SubmitAEToDeadline.jsx”;] to create full path like “\Aesf-archiv\REPOSITORY\Submission\AfterEffects\SubmitAEToDeadline.jsx”. May be I can write this path to script manualy ?

Oh, I’m so stupid, I forgot to install client on 3rd computer. Just checked it out threw remote control - looks like everything is OK now. Will check it at work in the morning. Thank you for help, I will put some money to buy several licences :slight_smile:

I was just going to ask you to run some checks to see if the client was installed properly. :slight_smile:

Glad to hear things are on track now!!


  • Ryan