AE postjob

Tell me please how should i add a postjob python script to AfterEffects task. I haven’t found any info in SubmitAEToDeadline.jsx but found PostRenderTasks function in plugins/AfterEffects/ So, what’s the right way if i want to copy random rendered frames somewhere after AE job is completed? :slight_smile:
Thank you

I think an event plugin might be what you’re looking for: … teventsdk/

You could have the event plugin handle the OnJobCompleted event, and check to see if the job was an After Effects job. If it was, it could walk through the output images and select random ones to copy somewhere. To figure out the output image paths, you could take a look at the QT event plugin example at the bottom of the page I linked to above. It shows how we get the output paths form the job.

Hope this helps!

  • Ryan

thank you very much, Ryan,
this definitely helps! =)