AE rendering error - need help

I am testing running After Effects on our renderfarm and am running into some issues hopefully you can help me out with. On our test machine I have installed AE so it should have the render engine within the local render machine. I have checked “Allow scripts to write files and access network” within AE app. I havae tried submitting job via AE with the submission script as well as via deadline monitor. I get the following error from the slave I am testing. Any ideas what might be going on or something new I can try? Is there limitations when using AE within a renderfarm?

Log Message

Corrupt Data In Report - See Below

<?xml version="1.0"?> 2011-08-09T11:13:27.4636662-06:00 Sithlord02 0 <_SlaveVersionString>v5.0.0.44528 R LipoProfile_Master_Test - LipoProfile_Master jimmie Darthmaul 2011-08-09T11:09:52 AfterEffects 0-0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1

Log Details

Log Date/Time = Aug 09/11 11:13:27
Frames =

Slave Machine =
Slave Version =

Plugin Name =

Error Message

Corrupt Data In Report - See Slave Log

Slave Log

<?xml version="1.0"?> 2011-08-09T11:13:27.8380668-06:00 Sithlord02 0 <_SlaveVersionString>v5.0.0.44528 R LipoProfile_Master_Test - LipoProfile_Master jimmie Darthmaul 2011-08-09T11:09:52 AfterEffects 0-0 6 RenderPluginException 1356259328 23 1356259328 23 11 10890 11

Error Type

Corrupt Report

Error Stack Trace

I believe whatever codec you may be using to save the output mp4 file may not exist on all your render nodes?
One way to prove this is the case, it to render the AE comp out to a final image sequence first and then you could locally create the mp4 file on your local workstation after your farm has down the majority of the hard work by rendering out the comp.