ae_submission.ini not generated for some users


We’re on Deadline 6.2 and are using the After Effects integrated Submission script for the first time. For some users, the ae_submission.ini file that stores Submission Window defaults is not generated on submission.

“deadlinecommand GetSettingsDirectory” run from a command prompt returns the right value on the Artists machine:

and I can create a txt file in that folder as the user

… and Pool Lists etc are populated, the Job is submitted, so everything else that would point to a configuration issue is working.

Has anyone seen this before? any suggestions?

All the best,


I recently heard from another user who had a similar issue, but as Deadline 6 is so old, I don’t think we have any fix for this problem. My best advice if you see it would be to copy the file from another computer, as Deadline should still update it if it exists.