I’m currently updating our render farm to Deadline v3.0 and there are some workflow problems with the AE submission script. The first is that the v2.7 script would remember the previous settings, even after the program was closed but this is no longer the case for v3. Also, the panel seems to be more cumbersome to use because it doesn’t automatically close when a job has been submitted. At the moment, you submit, have an information panel pop up (which is a little annoying and perhaps should only appear if there is an error), then you have to close the panel, it asks if you want to move onto the next job in the render queue (which could also be an option as I only ever tick those jobs I want to send to render anyway) and then you move onto the next job. This becomes quite laborious when faced with a render list of ten or more jobs. It would be great to be able to have a button that applies the same settings to all the other jobs in the queue, for example.
Logged as a bug. What we should do is just use a single submission dialog to submit all the checked items in the render queue (like we do for layers in Maya or passes in XSI), and give the user the option to use the frame range in the dialog for all items or to pull their individual ranges. If the user wants to submit different items will different settings, then they can go through the render queue one by one and bring up the submission dialog for each.
Thanks Ryan,
Separate ‘submit individual’ and ‘submit all’ buttons would be great.
The other thing is that I often have two render jobs for the same comp, one outputting frames and the other a movie depending on what’s required. I’d like to be able to override that setting if the output is a different file type or name/location.
Just to confirm, you want each job to write to the output file that is defined in it’s corresponding render queue settings? This is how we imagined it would work, I just want to make sure we’re on the same page.
I’m a little confused as to exactly what you mean (terminology), but just to clarify that I think we are talking about the same thing!: at the moment, if there are two separate render queue jobs from the same composition the script calls an error. However, this is sometimes frustrating as I’d like to be able to submit a composition twice but with different output settings and/or paths (e.g. a frame sequence and a movie). Although this can be done another way with ‘add output module’ , I’d like to be able to submit each to a different node to speed things up. I’d like to have a checkbox that tells the script to ignore this duplicate check.
Actually, it turns out that one of our compositors used to be a programmer in a previous life so he’s going to have a look at the script and see if some of this functionality can be programmed now. Might save you all a bit of time!