AE Submit error


When i try to sumbit a job to Deadline,(SubmitToDeadline.jsx) i have the error:

“After Effects warning:Error:The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to execute script at line 30.undefined is not an object.”

I dont know what is wrogn, so fi you have a solution for this issue ,please tell me too.
i use AE cs 5

Thank you


Hi Sergiu,

A couple questions:

  1. Is the Deadline Client software installed on your machine?

  2. If it is, the Deadline bin folder should be in your PATH environment variable. To confirm this, open up a Command Prompt and run this:


This should print out the usage instructions. If you get an error that deadlinecommand.exe isn’t recognized, then you’ll have to add the Deadline bin folder to your PATH manually.

  1. Once you’ve confirmed that the Deadline bin folder is in your PATH, restart After Effects and try submitting the job again.


  • Ryan