After Effects and Deadline

Hi …

pardon the ‘‘newbiness’’ of my question, but I’m trying to render a comp in after FX and I’m wondering if AE as to be installed on all the slaves I want to use in our farm ??

thanks alot


Yes, you need to have AE installed on the slaves. However, Deadlines renders with AE in command line mode using aerender.exe, which doesn’t require a license, so you don’t need to license your copies of AE on the render nodes.


  • Ryan

Great to know that you don’t need licenses on the farm, but do you need to have licensed copies of your plugins on your farm?

Depends on the plugin. Best to check with the individual plugin developer for further info :slight_smile:
Which plug-ins were you thinking of using?

No idea. Our compositors have a slew of plugins that they use. I wish AE was like max where you usually need a license to sue the tool, not render with it.

My experience is that for the higher end plugins you will need to license them. The Toolfarm site is a very good resource for this sort of info.