After Effects crash due to quicktime error

deadlineslave-RENDER05-2016-08-02-0002.log (47 KB)
recently after upgrading my render nodes to win 10 and the new version of After effects 15.3 got continuesly this error on all my upgraded nodes
Error : QuickTime does not support the current Display Setting. Please change it and restart this application (attached the log file)
Some machines if you restart the slave instance the do continuee but this is totally random and most of the time jobs fail due to maximum number of errors. Version of Deadline is 7 latest buid.

Any help is welcome


Hey there!

Sorry, for not responding sooner. I’ll have a word with the support team about that. :blush:

So, I think this is the same error we have seen in Maya before as well. So, the Apple QuickTime popup dialog occurs when your machine is rendering via Deadline Slave but the machine “locks its screen” (for user security), so unlocking the machine is one way to ‘fix’ this issue. We already handle this ‘pop-up’ dialog in our Maya plugin, but it is for English only. Although looking at your log, we are indeed forcing AE to run in English mode which is a great idea btw, unfortunately any secondary process such as QuickTime doesn’t respect/understand that setting, so we need to see if we can automatically press that pop-up dialog’s “OK” button when it pops up.

I kinda feel bad your forum post was missed for sooo many days this week, so let’s try and see if we can hack a fix into 7.2 for you here. See attached updated after effect plugin script for I have added the following popup, which I know works in English, but could you test it for me and see if the German version works for you ok? Unzip the attached py file, and overwrite the same-named file here in your repository (backup the old version first, just in case):

“<your_repo>/plugins/AfterEffects/” (5.76 KB)

Here’s the code below I added for your information:

# Handle QuickTime popup dialog # "QuickTime does not support the current Display Setting. Please change it and restart this application." self.AddPopupHandler( "Unsupported Display", "OK" ) self.AddPopupHandler( r"Nicht unterstützte Anzeige.", "OK" )

Let us know if this fixes the issue for you!


Hi Mike
i will replace plugin and test.

Thanks alot

Hi again Mike
No user lock screen actually doesnt help at all for some reason even if u disable it still the message ocurrs again
The english version of patch does not work in german language. Only if u change the quicktime popup dialog message with the german one works good.
I attach the version of After effects plugin in case somebody comes with the same issue.
User lock actually also doesnt help with the issue. Though disabled by registry error comes again.

Thanks so much for your help!!! (5.79 KB)NoLockScreen registry (22 Bytes)

Great! Glad it’s now working for you. Yes, you will want the German version of the popup handler. I included the English version as well for our customers running their OS in English so we can support both languages. Not sure, why registry tweak doesn’t work, but pleased at least the popup handler code works for you.

Thanks for the feedback. We will add this code into the next version of Deadline.