After Effects CS3 Missing Frames

We have just begun rendering with AE CS3. We got the submission scripts to work just fine. The one problem we are having is when a job with 120 frames is submitted, we are only getting 68 back. The frames that get rendered seem to be random as well. Deadline reports 100% success with zero errors. Does anybody know where I can even start to look towards an answer?

Are you submitting chunked tasks, or is it one frame per task? The best place to start is to match up the completed tasks in the Monitor with the missing frames. When you find a task that didn’t produce output, right-click on it and select Task Reports -> View Log Reports. Check through the render log to see if AE printed out anything that would indicate that something had gone wrong. If nothing seems out of the ordinary, feel free to send it to us to take a look.

If you do send us a log, and you are rendering chunked tasks, please indicate which frame(s) are missing so we can match it up in the log.


  • Ryan

Thanks for the help. By viewing the log reports i found that 2 of the render nodes are not rendering due to an error. This is the error the 2 nodes are producing

0: WARNING: Pressed the “OK” button on popup “After Effects Fatal Error”
0: INFO: Process exit code: 0

I have been told the only difference between these nodes and the others is a Microsoft update. Could the update be the cause of the error?

It’s really hard to say, but if that’s the only difference, then it could be a possibility. In the meantime while you try to figure out that issue, you can make a tweak to the After Effects plugin to not press OK on that popup dialog (and instead fail the render). To do so, open up the file in \your\repository\plugins\AfterEffects and change this line:

self.AddPopupHandler( ".*After Effects.*", "OK;Yes" )

to this:

#self.AddPopupHandler( ".*After Effects.*", "OK;Yes" )

Save the file, and you’re good to go.


  • Ryan