After Effects CS5.5 Job Problem

I have a problem with submitting a job from after effect cs5.5 to deadline.
I have deadline 5.2, and when I’m sending a job (for example tiff sequence)
the monitor shows me in the task tab that the first frame only is rendering and in my folder i see that all my frames were render. after the first frame is finished rendering, the job goes to the second frame and start to render again all the frames.
any idea how can I fix this problem.



If you are rendering with with multi-machine rendering, you need to enable the “Skip Existing Frames” option for your comps. This is from the docs: … ereffects/


  • Ryan

Hi again
I did what you said and indeed it worked. so thank you very much

But I have another question, I want to know how long it takes each frame to be rendered not only the render time of a task.
Every time I defines the frames deadline shows only that the first frame is rendering
and I have no information for rendering time of a specific frame

Do you mean when you’re rendering multiple frames per task? In your example screen shot, you have one frame per task, so each task time essentially represents the frame time for that task. Even with multiple frames per task, you can just divide the task time by the number of frames to get the average frame time.

Am I missing something?


  • Ryan