When submitting jobs from within after effects to the farm, there doesn’t appear to be an option to untick ‘Limit Tasks to Slaves Limit Task’.
So when I submit a job with concurrent tasks set to 5, that get’s overwritten to 1. I have to right click and modify the job properties to untick that check box, after it has been submitted.
So, my question is, can I turn this check box off by default via the custom sanity check? So far I havent found the necessary switch to do this.
Actually, after a bit of testing, it seem’s that having concurrent tasks set to more than 1 is a bit troublesome.
I’ve been having issues where tasks that should take 3 or 4 minutes are ‘completing’ in 10 seconds or less, but fail to render any frames for that task, not even empty files.
Yeah, this currently isn’t exposed in the AE submitter. We’ve logged it as a feature request. If you want to hardcode it into the submitter, you’ll have to edit the main submission script. You can find this in \your\repository\submission\AfterEffects. Open SubmitAEToDeadline.jsx in a text editor, and find this line:
If you can post a log from a job where this happens, we could take a look. You can find the logs by right-clicking on the job in the Monitor and selecting Job Reports → View Log Reports.
Also, do you have multiprocess rendering enabled in the AE submission options? If so, try disabling that when rendering with concurrent tasks > 1. It has been known to cause problems because the separate AE processes end up competing for the same cores.