I am noticing a strange thing with AE renders that are outputing a movie file.
The percent-complete for the task (the job always has only one task) doesn’t seem to be accurate. It gets to 100% well before the render is done.
How is it calculating that percentage? Is it parsing the stdout for the current frame? Doesn’t seem to be working right.
I just tested this here, and it seems to work fine. We’re basing it off the PROGRESS stdout that After Effects is printing during the render.
Can you post a simple AE project that reproduces the problem so we can test it here? Also, can you let us know which version of AE you are using? Finally, can you tell us if you’re submitting the job from the Deadline Monitor, or from the AE integrated submission script?
We’re also getting this issue, it’s always with Movie file outputs, frame sequence renders seem to be fine. The issue seems to be that the PROGRESS STDOUT is reporting the frame twice. I’ve attached a screengrab from one of the slaves while it’s doing the job to show you what I mean. We’re using After Effects 5.5
Attached is an updated AE plugin file that should fix the problem. Note that it’s only been tested against Deadline 5.2. To test it out, go to \your\repository\plugins\AfterEffects and make a backup copy of AfterEffects.py. Then unzip the attached file to the same folder. Submit a new job and let me know if the progress reporting improves.