After Effects Job priority appears irrelevant

When we have 3DS Max jobs rendering Aftereffects jobs are unable to acquire any nodes.

if AE job priority is at 100 and the Max jobs are at 50 the Max jobs will keep going until they finish and then the AE jobs begin to render.

This isnt how the priority behavior works for all the other programs.

i am sure I am probably doing something wrong but need some help to figure out what that is.


Are the jobs sent to the same pool, or to different pools?

Deadline uses a combination of Pool priority, Job Priority and Submission Date to decide what renders first.
If you have 100 machines and all 100 are assigned to two pools - “3dsMax” and “AE” for example, if “3dsMax” is listed FIRST on the Pools list, all 100 machines will render 3ds Max jobs with HIGHER priority than AE jobs. The Numeric Priority will be used as a secondary criterion within the pool, so if two Max jobs were sent to the 3ds Max pool, the one with higher Priority will render first. If two jobs have the same pool and priority, the submission date decides which one will render first - the older one, obviously.

If the above setup is what you have, you can select 50 of the 100 machines and change their pool settings to 1.AE 2.3dsMax, making them prefer AE jobs over Max jobs. Once the 50 AE-loving machines have finished their work, if there are Max jobs still needing slaves, the machines will join the 50 Max-preferring ones and all 100 will work together. If an AE job gets submitted, as soon as a machine with AE pool higher than Max pool finishes a Max job, it will go back to AE rendering and so on…

This is the DEFAULT setup of Deadline, but you have the ability to switch it to use the Numeric Priority OVER the Pool order, so a job with a higher priority would always render first. To change this, in the Monitor while in Super User mode, go to “Configure Repository Options”, scroll down to “Scheduling Settings” and change “Job Scheduling Order” from “Pool_Priority_Date” to “Priority_Pool_Date” or any of the other options.

Hope this helps.