Hey guys,
I’m stuck with a weird problem and I can’t figure out if I’m doing something wrong here.
I’m submitting from After Effects (MAC) and the path translation we’ve set works for the project file path but somehow not for the footage path inside the project. Is that even possible?
Path gets translated from
Log example:
CheckPathMapping: Swapped
/Volumes/san200/nyx_projekte/2018/…" with "\\nyx\san200\nyx_projekte/2018/…
This part seems to work.
The render process aborts because of:
WARNING:After Effects warning: logged one error error: Unable to Render: File Not Found /Volumes/san200/nyx_projekte/2018/2018_Siemens_SPS/20_assets/00_footage/09_Aerospace/7796-14-des-aero-film-en-180612-1-7mbit.mp4
(File is there and can also be rendered locally without any issues)
I’ve submitted the same project from a Windows machine and changed the paths inside the file to an UNC path which works without any issues. If this file is linked with a drive letter (S:/nyx_projekte/…) it also fails, project file path translation work flawlessly.
Any hints appriciated.