AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

After Effects ProRes Output


First post here! We’ve just started using Deadline at our studio and i am experimenting with outputting files through After Effects CC2019.

Could somebody point me in the direction of what the best way of rebuilding an image sequence outputted through deadline into a quicktime format (ProRes) is please?

Or, is it even possible to submit a job that ISN’T an image sequence, and get all the machines to output a single complete MOV file?

I’m fairly comfortable with python so if this is a necessary step then please fire suggestions this way.

Any help / links to documentation much appreciated!



Hey @Ceracticus,

Welcome to the forum!!

AFAIK, with movie files, you’re limited to rendering on one machine. :cry:

Are you familiar with FFmpeg? I would suggest looking into it for automating the conversion of image sequences to prores with Deadline. You can manually submit FFmpeg jobs through the Monitor (Submit > Processing > FFmpeg). Or alternatively, setup a custom Monitor job script to be used to automate the creation of an FFmpeg job from an existing image seq job. Hopefully that makes sense. The script (found in the [repo root]/scripts/Jobs directory) has some great reference for submitting a new job from an existing one.

Hopefully what I’ve mentioned provides some ideas to get started. If you’re interested, I’d be happy to share more details on the FFmpeg Monitor job script approach and some FFmpeg arguments for prores. Just let me know!


If you don’t need ProRes, you could use Draft (Deadline extension). Otherwise, I would go with FFmpeg like @chitty mentions.

I usually create slap comps as a post-script for jobs that output image sequences. To begin with though, perhaps install FFmpeg locally and see if it does what you need. If so, look at automating things further.

Example FFmpeg command:

ffmpeg.exe -framerate 24 -start_number 0 -i “path/to/your/file_04%d.png” -c:v prores_ks -profile:v 3 -c:a pcm_s16le -pix_fmt yuv444p10 “path/to/your/”

The -c:v part is the video codec, in this case ProRes (there’s a few types out there, just google for more information on ‘prores_ks’ and its counter parts)

Thanks both for the detailed responses, very helpful!

@chitty - if i could take you up on that offer of some more details on the FFmpeg monitor approach and some prores arguments that would be great!

@danielskovli - this also sounds great for our 3d output needs - i’ll look into Draft, thanks!

Hey Ceraticus,

I deeply apologize for the delay in response, things got stupid busy. I hope you were able to play around with FFmpeg and a monitor script a bit! I also would like to apologize in advance for this novel of a post, or if I cover something you already know.

I’ve listed a script below to either get you started or for reference. It’s not perfect, but it should work. Copy the code to a new .py file and place the file in the [repo path]/custom/scripts/Jobs directory, then you’ll be able to run it via the scripts submenu when you right-click jobs in the Monitor. The user prompt at the beginning is completely optional and could be removed if your pipeline is pretty locked down. The script requires the Deadline FFmpeg plugin to be configured with a valid location to the FFmpeg executable. One cool thing to note, is FFmpeg can be installed to a central location (with permissions)!

ProRes Conversion Script
# example ffmpeg / deadline monitor prores conversion script
# requires ffmpeg to be installed and pathed via FFmpeg plugin config params
# copy to: [repo path]/custom/scripts/Jobs
# you might need to enable multi-select for script via Configure Scripts Menu

import os
import re
from DeadlineUI.Controls.Scripting.DeadlineScriptDialog import DeadlineScriptDialog
from Deadline.Scripting import MonitorUtils, RepositoryUtils, ClientUtils
from System.Collections.Specialized import StringCollection
from System.IO import Path, File

scriptDialog = None
# dict for user-friendly compression options vs ffmpeg pix_fmt
pixfmtList = {

def __main__(*args):
    """ dialog for user input """

    global scriptDialog

    scriptDialog = DeadlineScriptDialog()
    scriptDialog.SetTitle("FFmpeg ProRes Convert")

    proComLabel = scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( "proComLabel", "LabelControl", "ProRes Codecs:", 0, 0)
    proComList = scriptDialog.AddComboControlToGrid( "proComList", "ComboControl", "", pixfmtList.keys(), 0, 1, tooltip="Select prores codec", expand=False, colSpan=2 )
    frameRateLabel = scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( "frameRateLabel", "LabelControl", "Frame Rate:", 1, 0)
    frameRate = scriptDialog.AddRangeControlToGrid( "frameRate", "RangeControl", 24, 0, 9999, 0, 1, 1, 1, colSpan=2)
    linearCheck = scriptDialog.AddSelectionControlToGrid( "linearCheck", "CheckBoxControl", False, "Apply Rec709", 3, 1, tooltip="check this if your input colorspace is linear", colSpan=3)
    okButton = scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( "okButton", "ButtonControl", "OK", 4, 2, expand=False )
    cancelButton = scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( "cancelButton", "ButtonControl", "Cancel", 4, 3, expand=False )


def close_dialog():
    """ generic close dialog """
    global scriptDialog

def create_prores(*args):
    """ create our prores job(s) """

    global scriptDialog
    comSel = scriptDialog.GetValue("proComList")
    linearCheck = scriptDialog.GetValue("linearCheck")
    frameRate = scriptDialog.GetValue("frameRate")

    # get pix_fmt value from compression selection
    pixfmt = pixfmtList[comSel]

    # check if prores4444 is selected
    profileV = 3
    if comSel == "prores4444":
        profileV = 4

    # check if applying rec709 view lut
    linToRec = ""
    if linearCheck:
        linToRec = "-apply_trc bt709 "

    selectedJobs = MonitorUtils.GetSelectedJobs()

    # loop through selected jobs
    for job in selectedJobs:

        # get job properties
        jName = str(job.Name)
        jId = job.JobId
        batchName = str(job.BatchName)
        outputFileList = job.JobOutputFileNames
        outputDirList = job.JobOutputDirectories
        jDependencies = job.JobDependencies
        jFrames = str(job.JobFrames)

        # set batch name parameter on selected job if one doesn't exist
        if not batchName:
            modName = jName.split(".")[0]
            job.JobBatchName = modName
            batchName = modName

        # loop through file outputs
        for i in range(0, len(outputFileList)):
            fileName = outputFileList[i]
            ffJobName = ("_").join([jName, "ffmpeg", comSel])

            # work-around for pad length on first frame
            padLength = len("\#+", fileName).group(0))
            firstFrame = jFrames.split("-")[0]
            firstFrame = firstFrame.zfill(padLength)

            # replace padding with first frame for ffmpeg input
            inputFile = re.sub("\#+", firstFrame, fileName)

            # check if valid output file type
            if os.path.splitext(fileName)[-1] in ["mov", "avi", "mp4"]:
                print "Warning: {} -- output extension is not compatible!  Can only accept image sequences.".format(fileName)

            # get filename and remove dreaded underscores
            outFile = fileName.split(".")[0]
            outFile = re.sub("_\#+", "", outFile)

            # set ffmpeg job name based on outputs or original job name
            if len(outputFileList) > 1:
                ffJobName = ("_").join([outFile, "ffmpeg", comSel])

            # append mov file extenstion
            outFile += ".mov"

            # set ffmpeg output directory one directory up from sequence output
            outDir = os.path.split(outputDirList[i])[0]

            # create job file to be used for submission
            jobInfoFile = Path.Combine( ClientUtils.GetDeadlineTempPath(), "batch_job_info.job")
            writer = File.CreateText( jobInfoFile )

            # create ffmpeg job properties for submission
            # fill pool, group and priority if required

            # create ffmpeg plugin properties for submission
            pluginInfoFile = Path.Combine( ClientUtils.GetDeadlineTempPath(), "batch_plugin_info.job" )
            writer = File.CreateText( pluginInfoFile )

            writer.WriteLine("OutputArgs=-y -xerror -vcodec prores_ks -profile:v {} -vendor ap10 -pix_fmt {} -vtag ap4h -r {}".format(profileV, pixfmt, frameRate))
            writer.WriteLine("InputArgs0={}-f image2 -r {} -start_number {} -thread_queue_size 4096".format(linToRec, frameRate, firstFrame))
            writer.WriteLine("InputFile0={}".format(os.path.join(outputDirList[i], inputFile)))
            writer.WriteLine("OutputFile={}".format(os.path.join(outDir, outFile)))

            cmdArgs = StringCollection()
            exitCode = ClientUtils.ExecuteCommand( cmdArgs )
            if(exitCode == 0):
                print "Successfully submitted ffmpeg job: {}".format(ffJobName)
                print "Failed to submit ffmpeg job: {}".format(ffJobName)


The approach of the script is to create 1 FFmpeg job for every selected job. And if a job has multiple outputs, then to create 1 FFmpeg for each output. To keep things tidy in the monitor, it’ll group the original job and newly created FFmpeg job(s). As well as, set a dependency on the FFmpeg job(s) to wait until the original job(s) completes before starting. One thing I still haven’t figured out is how to get real-time progress through Monitor. Only was able to watch progress through the slave log.

Here is a list of reference material I’ve found useful so far when developing monitor scripts…

I’m no expert in FFmpeg, it took me sometime when I first started, along with collaboration from another technical artist, to collect these arguments. Most of them were work-arounds to problems run into while reading them into editing packages. As danielskovli mentioned, it takes trial & error with a lot of Google hacking. Hopefully they will provide a good reference point when writing your own.

  • -apply_trc bt709
    • applies a rec709 viewer lut to the Qt file. Useful if rendering linear frames. trc list
  • -thread_queue_size 4096
    • helps to avoid dropped packets when reading from file(s).
  • -profile:v 4
    • This needs to be set to 4 for ProRes4444, even if you specified a ProRes4444 pix_fmt. Use 3 for ProRes422.
  • -vtag ap4h
    • Forces ProRes4444 video tag. Flavors
  • -vendor ap10
    • “tricks QuickTime and Final Cut Pro into thinking that the movie was generated on using a QuickTime ProRes encoder.” Source

Below is an example of a prores4444 batch script for windows.

"path/to/ffmpeg.exe" -apply_trc bt709 -f image2 -r 24 -thread_queue_size 4096 -start_number 1001 -i "path/to/seq/filename.%%04d.ext" -y -xerror -vcodec prores_ks -profile:v 4 -vendor ap10 -pix_fmt yuv422p10le -vtag ap4h -acodec copy -r 24 "path/to/"

Lastly, whatever machine(s) you decide to submit FFmpeg scripts too, should have good hardware specs and a fast connection to the server. We dedicated one machine and divided it into several slaves to handle post scripts like this. Alternatively, you could create additional slave instances (with allocated CPUs) on each render node and submit them to that if the network bandwidth allows. Both methods have pros and cons.

Hopefully what I’ve provided makes sense and is usable is some regard. If you have any questions or find something cool let me know! I’ll try to be a little more responsive next time. :slight_smile:




Thanks for the script!

We needed something to compile 3DSMax/Vray render output passes to make it easier to transfer them to remote computers for post and editing work.

I fixed a couple of issues with the output file naming and added MP4 encoding as an option.

-Donald Newlands (5.5 KB)

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