After Effects quicktime render hanging on to rendering status

I have a large batch of After Effects renders on Deadline ; They are all rendering a mix of Quicktimes and AVI’s. The comps creating AVI’s all complete and move on with no issue. The comps that are outputting Quicktimes all will hang at the last percentage completed reported (i.e. 98.8%) and will remain there even though the render has finished completely and the resulting Quicktime is 100% correct. It’s like deadline isn’t seeing the message that the render finished successfully.

Has anyone had experience with behavior like this?

Currently running:

After Effects 2015.3 CC

Thank you for your help :slight_smile:


I know in the past that sometimes processes could just hang with After Effects, and I believe we made some changes recently in regards to After Effects completing/exiting… Could you attach a log file of a job that hangs to see if perhaps we’re just missing something in our output handling? Or at least it’ll hopefully give us a clue as to what’s happening for you! If you also have a simple test scene that reproduces this, you can also post that here to see if we get similar results.


Thank you for responding Mepp,

I found a similar post here: … er+effects

I implemented the changed plugin offered and it seems to be chugging along fine now. Thank you for the quick response!

Ahh, I knew that this had popped up before somewhere… Glad you found something that works for you! Was it the last version of the plugin that was uploaded by Mike from his comment here? If that’s the case, it sounds like that should already have been put into Deadline 8… I’ll take a look to see what’s up with that and see if there’s any additional information.
