Ammending JobInfo file without resubmitting

Hi, I am looking for a way to modify the Job submission parameters, specifically the ‘Plugin’ setting, without resubmitting the job.

It seems there are multiple ways to easily adjust the pluginfo settings, but alas, this does not allow me to adjust the plugin setting from within the jobinfo parameters.

I am open to adjusting via the scripting API, deadline command or REST interface. I am using deadline 6.2. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


I managed to get it to work via the scripting API as a scripted resubmission but alas it didnt solve the problem i was originally trying to solve anyway. That is that VRay and MayaBatch are unbelievably so much slower than the typical VFB UI inside the GUI. :neutral_face: Trying to submit a few hundred jobs to render all under the GUI isnt really viable given theres only about 15 work station licenses. As It turns out a MayaCmd job just ends up calling MayaBatch anyway which makes it kind of pointless.


Im pretty sure plugin is one of the parameters that you cannot change via scripting or standalone api.
because differnt plugins have plugin info attributes that need to exist, and if they dont deadline becomes unhappy.

It Would be awesome if the resubmit job ui allowed you to edit more of the data before submitting.
I know this is on my todo list when i have time, as our wrangers / other tds would like to modify the priority, concurrent jobs etc, for heavy/urgent frames.


Yes I did change it via the scripting API.

I recreated the JobInfo and PluginInfo using the Job Class methods/properties - modifying the JobInfo :: plugin property to be ‘MayaCmd’ and then used the RepositoryUtils.SubmitJob([jobInfoPath, plugInfoPath]). So that part was not a problem.