another NAIAD and Krakatoa comes together

Want to share my latest work …


I like it very much, thanks for sharing!


nice sense of scale!

Hey Adam,

Someone on your Vimeo talkback challenged you to mesh this.
Are you interested in trying Frost on this dataset?
I would be very interested in seeing how it would perform… :wink:
Let me know if you need a temp. license.

Frost demo does it have any limitation for mesh or particle count? Or it just have time limitation?

The demo does not render, unfortunately. It shows just wireframes in the viewport.
What I asked was whether you want an evaluation LICENSE for a few weeks. Full version, no limitations (except for the time limit, obviously).

It would take several minutes to mesh a cloud like that, assuming there is enough memory to fit the mesh into. On my system it takes around 30 seconds for 10 million particles. So we can assume around 5 minutes for 100 million particles, but it really depends on the settings…

It looks so good the way it is :slight_smile:
I would be curious too. I think meshing the density you need to achieve the scale would be… well enormously dense :open_mouth: , I may be wrong and would still love to see it :smiley:

Bobo> understad,well I would love to try mesh those babies. I got 64GB RAM machine here and lot of cores to use.
JRand> …true.To match the global scale,mesh could be quite heavy, we will see.

PS. …I already start setting up Naiad for another one. An extension of this waterfall for another part.

That looks really awesome! Congratulations on that work.

It looks great the way it is! I think the main advantage of meshing Naiad liquids with Frost as opposed to Particle-Mesh4 in Naiad (or rendering it only as particles with Krakatoa for this kind of stuff) would be that you can use the channels to create a mask so that really fast moving water would look more like foamy water. And you could even spawn bubbles (using secondary frost even) on the surface based on the velocity or vorticity channels depending on how close you are.

tobbeo> Thank you for kind words. I wanted to test how Frost deal with that amount of particle data, and it works perfectly good, and really fast.
Also this waterfall is just simple test as base (pipeline testing,searching problems to solve) for something bigger, a lot bigger… :slight_smile: