Another test render

Here’s something I whipped up today.

All point based, no voxels, but it does use the new environment mapping and the new Schlick scattering. And of course the new multithreaded lookup is a huge help in getting this to render in < 3 minutes.

  • Chad

EDIT: It’s 24 Megaparticles in size, for the curious.

Duuude! This is gorgeous!
Nice job, thanks for sharing!

Unfortunately, the renders I do over the next couple weeks will be mostly of colon cancer. So I won’t be able to rig up a talking chameleon for a while.

I might be doing a surgical scene, though, so I’ll be putting a lot of testing into the WSM.

  • Chad

Wow chad! this is great stuff! Looks amazing…

Myself I should find time to test latest Krakatoa…

Please do! This forum has been dead for a couple weeks…

I’m finding the speed improvements in 1.4.x have been really helpful in making the rendering process more interactive and interesting.

Oh, Bobo, I had to do that “multiple lights with instanced parameters at the same location, but with different shadows” thing again on this shot. I’ll try to get some before and after images up to show the difference it makes. Really makes a huge difference to the look.

  • Chad

yeah…soon will make something with voxels…need to try this new features…

used recently point rendering multithreaded…and I am loving it… superbly fast.

btw What is this new environment mapping? did you use any texture map over particles? does it also support reflection?

The voxel rendering is rather unlike anything I was expecting. It is certainly logical and expeditious considering where Krakatoa 1.2 was coming from, but it’s not anything I would have thought of. So try it out, but have an open mind.

The environment mapping doesn’t work with voxels, only points, and it appears to just do a lookup from the normal of each point to the color on the environment map. So it’s possible to do that in a material, but there’s a checkbox for it anyway if you want to do it at render time.

Normal support is improved in the new beta, so you can do things like falloff map, or info texture.

  • Chad

I got some questions offline about what went into the image as far as Krakatoa outputs. This shows the 3 passes used in the comp, the “reflection”, “diffuse”, and “sub-surface”. It would be swell if there was a more advanced light transport mechanism that allowed these to render together, but at that point it might be too slow to be useful.


So this is just for the curious, nothing really newsworthy.

  • Chad