Any Ideas on Material Blending?

Hi Paul and Bobo,

Particles sent. Remember this is a super simple sim with two emmiters with same settings dropping down to a vase and colliding. This is super simple to replicate.
Bobo, I’ve done meshing using just one bin and the result is attached.
One important thing that i didn’t refer is that i’m using Frost in 3dsmax 2013 version

Thanks again!


Hi Rui,

Turns out that since RealFlow is Y up, we should have also swapped the V and W channels like we do for the other vector channels like position and velocity.
I loaded the first sim in a PRT Loader, added a Magma modifier and swapped the V and W (Y and Z in Magma) of the TextureCoord channel, then meshed with Frost in Anisotropic mode. As you can see from the screenshot, the mapping is now very close to what RealFlow produces.

We will fix this in both PRT Loader and Frost since it is actually a bug. In the mean time, please use the Magma modifier to tweak the channels.

Thanks for the help on this Bobo and Paul!


Hi Paul and Bobo,

Bobo’s method is working great!
The problem now is to replicate this with more than 2 liquids (i’m refering to blending materials, not the uv’s), using this simple way of just adding a vector value 0,0,0 and 1,1,1 to mapping 10 (for example). If I add a third prt loader, i can’t use this anymore, or can I? … - We should have a simple process like this (and maybe we have). Since all the channels are exported from Real Flow, there should be an easy way to give a specific ID to each bin (or prt) using magma flow, while using it’s original uv’s. - I don’t know how it was made but if it was using pflow in the middle of the process like Bobo was explaining in the beggining of this thread we just can’t afford it… it’s just to slow when we have sim’s with more than 500.000 particles. Maybe we are missing something and this is way simplier than we think.

Thanks for any help on this,

Hello again!

We found a solution that is working… even if it’s not the ideal one it’s super simple and results are great!
So, basically we’re just using magma to define mapping number (10, 11, 12) to 3 prt loaders. Then we’re using vray blend material where the first material is pure black. The other three (can use the number we want… 100 liquids seems a nice test!) are vray materials with vertex color inside blend amount using this pre-defined mapping values.
As simple as that. The first material is pure black because it’s adding value to all the other materials. So, if it’s black it add’s nothing…
edit We’ve deleted the pure black material, since it was adding black color to transparent vray shaders and it worked great.

Cheers for now,


A quick test made with a little tweak - a 4th liquid based on particle age and lifespan to simulate the mix of the original three colors… not realistic but it makes the trick

Cheers, (4.43 MB)

That’s a great approach! Thank you for sharing it.

Haha cool! Nice :slight_smile:

Hello romanus

Can you please attache the max file to understand the setup?

Best regards