Any update on dpx timecode?

Heya Folks!

One of our clients just updated their delivery specs and now want timecode in the dpx’s headers. Looking through the forum this was on the list but I can’t see anything in any release notes about it. I take it we’re still missing it?



That’s right — we haven’t added support for DPX timecodes yet, but it is on our wishlist.

I’m curious, where would your Draft script get the timecodes from?

A lot of the time we’re writing out to EXR, likewise if we were going dpx to quicktime for submission, would it be possible to query the image metadata as one source, or possibly have a base time type in and let the encoding process use a counter to write in the correct frames?


I’d like to make sure that I understand: typically, you have an input DPX file that has timecode information, and you want to copy that timecode information to an output EXR sequence or QuickTime movie?

Yep, we’d get embedded timecode in our original source dpx files. Typically we’ll make a version zero quicktime and send them back to the client as a ground truth test to make sure our ranges match up - if we’re rendering out of nuke to make dpx’s we can copy the original source time code from the metadata but in other cases it’d be great to be able to inject timecode during the draft process.