Using Deadline 3.1, along w/ rpmanager and 3dsmax 2009 x64…rendering w/ vray 1.5 sp3.
Not sure whether this is something rpmanager is causing…Anybody seen this?

Using Deadline 3.1, along w/ rpmanager and 3dsmax 2009 x64…rendering w/ vray 1.5 sp3.
Not sure whether this is something rpmanager is causing…Anybody seen this?

Are you rendering any negative frame numbers? There is a known problem in 3.1 where rendering negative frame numbers with render elements results in this problem. This bug will be fixed in the upcoming 3.1 service pack release.
nope, not using negatives…
we recently updated to vray 1.5 sp3. maybe a compatibility thing between the new vray and deadline 3.1?
I doubt it’s an issue between Vray and Deadline. Are you using chunked tasks (ie: more than one frame per task)?
yeah, we are using chunks of 10…
Try reducing the chunk size to 1 to see if that fixes the problem for now. In the meantime, I’m going to be running some tests to see if I can reproduce this, although I have a feeling that the fix we did for the negative frame render element problem will also fix this problem as well.
Yup, just confirmed that this is no longer a problem, so the upcoming service pack release will fix this. Hopefully setting the chunksize to 1 will get you by for now.
we were doing 10. we just tried doing 1 frame at a time, and same thing.
I just realized that you could probably install the patch we released that adds Max 2010 support to 3.1. The patch contains recompiled plugins for all versions of 3dsmax, and the fix I was mentioning would have been included in the patch:
Give that a try and let us know the results.