Apply resource limit to job via job/plugin files

I’ve learn enough to know that my below question is not really valid so I’d like to change my question should anyone have an answer.

I have created a Resource Limit. I’d like to apply it to a job. I am using deadlinecommand.exe to submit the job using job and plugin files.
How can I add it to either the job or the plugin files? I can’t find a submitcommandlinejob argument to apply the limit.

Thank you.

I have a tool we use at our studio that is a command line tool that copies X number of image sequences. Each image sequence has its own job in Deadline. The only factor that ties the jobs together is the batchname. The tool just iterates through the list of sequences and creates a job for each. We use deadlinecommand.exe to launch each job via jobs/plugin text files created for each job. When a user needs to copy many dozens of sequences it ties up the farm as well as the available bandwidth on the network as they all run close to the same time. I am looking for a way to limit the number of jobs that can run at the same time to a reasonable number such as 3 or 4. I’ve read up as much as I can on limits but am not certain how to handle this as each copy process is it’s own job. Might there be a way to limit the worker count based on the BatchName? Or something along those lines? I am reading about Limit Groups but not certain how I’d apply this in this case. Thanks for any suggestions.

v10.1.0.11 Release (31ae49eaf)

OK. I figured out what I needed to do. I created a resource limit in Deadline then in the job text file used for submitting to deadline I added ‘limit_group=my_limit’. I was confused by the term limit_group because when creating a limit there is nothing about groups. It would make so much more sense to call it ‘Limit’ instead of ‘limit_group’.