Assembly job fails with stills

We are rendering a lot of still images and the assembly job fails because it is looking for tiles with a wrong name. We are using Maya and VRay and render with VRay Standalone.

In Maya, we set Animation to Standard, Start Frame and End Frame to 1 and Frame name padding to 0. This way we get a clean filename without any frame numbering (which is not needed since it is only one still image). Rendering works fine but the Assembly job is now looking for tiles with this naming scheme: _tile0_FileName…exr while the rendered tiles are named like this: _tile0_FileName.exr

Output filename and frame padding in the vrscene look like this in the exported vrscene file:

If we set Animation to Disabled, it works fine but the rendered images are saved to PROJECT_DIR\renderings\tmp\ACTUAL_PATH…
which is not really desired.

This behavior changed 2 or 3 Deadline versions ago.

Workaround 1:
Use a frame name padding > 0.
This results in ugly filenames.

Workaround 2:
Use an older version of the Deadline Vray plugin.

It would be great if this could be fixed since the new plugin seems to be much faster when submitting vrscenes with lots of render elements.

Maya 2018.5
VRay 4.04.02

Thanks for the report! We are aware of the issue with assembly of tiles for a single frame submission. I’ll let you know when there is a fix or a better workaround.



Any news on this?
I didn’t see anything about this bug in the release notes of Deadline

Cheers, Florian