Auto PreTaskScript for all jobs under certain plugin

Is it possible to globally impose a PreTaskScript for all jobs submitted to the MayaBatch plugin? I’m able to insert this when jobs are submitted through our pipeline, but I’ve got users submitting jobs through a variety of ways (monitor, Maya, etc).

Is my best bet to edit the relevant submitters, or is there a global catch I can tap into? I was hoping to avoid a global event script listening for OnJobSubmittedCallback, but this is starting to seem like a good option too…


We don’t have much for tasks other than that setting. The only one is OnJobSubmitted at the moment.

We have some global scripts but they’re not per-task. I’ll add you as a +1 to the issue internally here.

Actually, the JobPreLoad hook seems to be exactly what I need! I’m mainly checking/copying files and setting environment variables. The only reason I was barking up the task-tree was because I needed the checks to run on a per-slave basis, not just once per job.


Oh. Well then! I’m going to have to remember to change the stats on that problem on Monday. :smiley:

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