beta 3
Is Auto Rename working? None of my Genome modifiers are getting renamed to anything.
beta 3
Is Auto Rename working? None of my Genome modifiers are getting renamed to anything.
This is a new system now.
When you save a Preset, the current flow remembers that name, and if AutoRename is on, the Modifier is renamed to GNM_ThatSameName.
The same is true for loading a preset via the File>Load… menu, the Presets rollout in the Editor or the new (but still buggy) Preset MacroScript.
So when you load or save a preset, the flow is named and changes are tracked (via the * in the title bar), so when you try to reset or load another one, you will be prompted to save the changes to the same or a new name if you want.
When you open a modifier’s editor next time, the portion after the GNM_ in the name, if any, is assumed to be the Preset’s name for future saves.
When you reset the flow, the modifier is renamed again to “Genome” until you give your flow another name.
If Auto-Rename is off, the preset name is still managed the same and proposed for the save dialog, but is not reflected by the modifier’s name so you can name it whatever you want. In that case, if the name of the modifier does not start with GNM_, next time you open the editor, no preset name will be displayed in the title bar or save dialogs.
Hope this helps…
I sorta get it, but I don’t like it. With Auto Rename checked by default, even if I manually rename the modifier, editing it will reset the name, even if I don’t load a preset.
I think at this point I’d prefer the old Krakatoa method, along with having preset loading override the output-based naming. I might be the only one who feels this way though.
The reason we changed this was that if you have multiple Genome preset modifiers all setting the Position channel, calling them “GNM_Pos” does not tell you what they do, while one could be Bend, another Twist, and the third Screw. With the current behavior, adding a Bend preset creates a “GNM_Bend” and there is no question what it does, so manual renaming isn’t necessary most of the time assuming you are loading and saving presets.
If you just wire free-style without ever saving the flow to disk, it is obviously a different story. Not sure how to accommodate your workflow without affecting the majority of users who will probably be just loading presets and tweaking them most of the time…
I could make the Add Genome Modifier MacroScript respect an INI file setting to create new Genome modifiers with the Auto-Rename off. But if you are using the Modify tab of the Command Panel, I would hate to have to register a callback for modifier creation just to uncheck an option…
So maybe the problem is we aren’t being prompted to not work willy nilly. Perhaps a dialog that presents a list of presets, a text box to enter a new preset name, and a button to skip preset mode. If you type in a name, you stop working freestyle and if you hit skip, it unchecks the Auto Rename?