I am trying to locate in Deadline 2.7.29178 on the client or repository side (not sure where it needs to be set), the auto-update feature for the slaves. I am going to be making a migration shortly from 2.7 to 3.1.
According to the FAQs on the Frantic site, there is supposed to be said option.
Thank you in advance.
Unfortunately this won’t work as Deadline v3.x is a major update and you will need to uninstall v2.7 and install 3.x to update your system.
However, this can be done silently, which makes the job relatively easy and fast
You are correct sir.
I had misread/was mislead by the phraseology of the Deadline FAQ. I had not seen the portion about the install/upgrade for 3.x versions and not 2.x to 3.x
This than brings up the question about, “However, this can be done silently, which makes the job relatively easy and fast”;
How can the install be done silently?
And how can one go about uninstalling 2.x silently on 100’s of machines? It is not necessarily feesible to uninstall from all of them and than reinstall…
There does not seem to be any install options in the deadline.exe installer package.
I guess I can create an installer package (MSI) for the deployment, and caqn use the msiexec.exe to uninstall older versions of Deadline granted I find the GUID for the product.
Do you know of a more efficient way of doing this? If so, would you be so kind as to share?
Thank you.
DISCLAIMER Running this code may have unexpected results! Don’t blame me!
Admin rights required…
To uninstall v2.7:
Copy the following into a txt file and save it as a *.bat file. Then send it remotely to all your slaves
taskkill /F /T /IM DeadlineSlave.exe
taskkill /F /T /IM DeadlineMonitor.exe
taskkill /F /T /IM DeadlineLauncher.exe
REM Force Delete of DEADLINE "Slave" & "Temp" folder files- Add "cmd \c" to Deadline Monitor to execute
REM Delete ALL traces ALL files within the "Slave" & "Temp" folders - DO NOT RUN WHEN THE SLAVE IS BOOTED UP!!
REM Force Attribute change of ALL files and folders
attrib -R -S -H "C:\Deadline\slave\*.*" /S /D
attrib -R -S -H "C:\Deadline\temp\*.*" /S /D
REM Delete ALL Files
del "C:\Deadline\logs\*.*" /Q
del "C:\Deadline\slave\plugins\*.*" /Q
del "C:\Deadline\slave\jobsData\*.*" /Q
del "C:\Deadline\temp\lightning\*.*" /Q
del "C:\Deadline\temp\*.*" /Q
del "C:\Deadline\*.ini" /Q
del "C:\Deadline\*.xml" /Q
REM Delete Folders
rd "C:\Deadline\slave\plugins" /S /Q
rd "C:\Deadline\temp\lightning" /S /Q
rd "C:\Deadline\slave\jobsData" /S /Q
REM *** UNINSTALL Deadline v2.7.29178 Software ***
C:\Deadline\uninstall.exe /S
attrib -R -S -H "C:\Deadline\*.*" /S /D
del "C:\Deadline\*.*" /Q
rd "C:\Deadline" /S /Q
attrib -R -S -H "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Deadline\*.*" /S /D
del "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Deadline\*.*" /Q
rd "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Deadline" /S /Q
INSTALL 3.x (x64bit):
Copy the following into a txt file and save it as a *.bat file. Then send it remotely to all your slaves
msiexec /passive /i "\\your_file_server\DeadlineClientInstallerWin64.msi" REPOSITORYINSTALLDIR=\\yourrepository\repository LICENSESERVER=@YourLicenseServer
Test on just 1 machine BEFORE you commit to your whole pipeline!
Deadline 2.7 installed uninstall.exe to c:\Deadline as part of the client installation. You can use this to run it silently:
uninstall.exe /S _?=C:\Deadline
This just leaves behind the C:\Deadline folder with uninstall.exe still inside it, but a batch del command could easily clean that up.
Thanks gents.
Appreciate the help.
I have modified your batch and used your uninstaller and made one of my own.
This works just right.
IF EXIST c:\Deadline\ (
IF EXIST c:\deadline\uninstall.exe (
c:\deadline\uninstall.exe /S _?=C:\Deadline
IF NOT EXIST c:\deadline\bin\deadlineslave.exe (
rmdir /S /Q c:\deadline
Sorry it doesnt seem to keep the formatting, but, the formatting is just pleasing the eye. It works just as is it is.