
It would be nice if there was an option to turn the auto connect feature on/off. I often find myself leaving a node selected by accident while inserting a new one (in which case I obviously I don’t intend to have the new node inserted/connected to the selected node).


True, but…
Note that if you insert a node accidentally into a flow, you can simply press SHIFT and drag it OUT of the connection. I suspect this is easier than constantly turning auto-connect on and off. I would hate it more if I wanted to auto-connect and it turned out I forgot to enable it :wink:

Actually, I’m still pressing shift (+drag) to clone a node. I think this behavior is hard coded into my brain.

LOL! I took the SHIFT+drag from the Fusion workflow where you can also use it to insert. Unfortunately, I could not do that directly in Helium because I cannot detect when a node is dragged over a wire :frowning:

Yeah the shift-drag to detach makes total sense, I just need to get used to it. I thought you guys were using a customized version of the helium control? Or does it just have a different class id than the original to avoid conflicts? I’m currently using helium as well for a project and sometimes wish it was open-source so I could customize it a bit to fit my needs. It’s still a pretty cool plugin though!

No and Yes.
We licensed the source code of Helium and are using a different ID and class name, but we have not done any customization to the actual code yet, it is identical to the regular Helium feature-wise. We might look into that in the future.