AWS AMI roadmap for upgrade?


we use AWS spot fleet rendering as our primary render tool for rendering Maya Arnold scenes. As such we are at the mercy of the AMI’s available created by thinkbox.

Is there a schedule or roadmap laid out somewhere that tells us when Deadline plans on releasing updated AMI’s for Maya 2019 or AMI’s that have the latest Arnold version?

Thank you

i’ll just be over here in the corner rubbing these two sticks together to make a fire.


Yeah we are waiting too. When will Maya 2019 be included?


Unfortunately, we are not able tell you ETA on this one. I will put this request in our system.


Hello wanna bump this thread. Having AMIs updated to the latest and greatest would be really helpful.

This request has already been registered. Please cut us a ticket directly, we need more information in order to help you guys out.