AWS Portal Executable Paths

Is there an easy way to know what the executable path is for the various plugins on the AWS Portal AMI’s? Is it listed anywhere? This is so the plugin can be configured correctly in Deadline.



As far as I know, this is not documented, but is available through the Plugin Configuration dialog in the Monitor.

For example, if you wonder where the MayaIO executable is on the Maya AMI, you can look under MayaBatch, locate version 2020 for example, and inspect the default paths:

C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2020\bin\MayaBatch.exe

The fourth path is the location of the maya executable on the Maya 2020 AMI.

The same info can be found in the respective .param file in the Plugins/MayaBatch/ folder. Since the defaults are hard-coded there, even if you modified the Plugin paths after the fact, you can find the definition inside that file!

The same applies to 3dsMax which also uses a headless 3dsMaxIO build. Here is the part of the 3dsmax.param file found in the Repository under plugins/3dsmax/

Category=3ds Max Render Executables
Label=3ds Max 2021 Executable
Description=The path to the 3dsmaxio.exe or 3dsmax.exe used for rendering on each Worker, use a ; to separate multiple paths.
Default=C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2021\3dsmaxio.exe;C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2021\3dsmax.exe

In other words, the 3dsMax 2021 AMI has the executable under C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2021\3dsmaxio.exe

The alternative would be to launch an instance with the AMI in question, ssh / Remote Desktop into it, and look around :slight_smile: