Using Deadline / AWS Portal latest versions on Windows.
Also using UBL bought from thinkbox marketplace and configured in the repository option (but settings are not visible after clicking ok and going back in usage based licensing option, is this an error or normal ?)
When starting a spot fleet, workers connect to deadline but when rendering start every worker output the same error in logs :
Scheduler Thread - Failed to retrieve the secret (/admin/ublsettings/UsageBasedURL), this operation was forbidden.
Please ensure you have been granted access to this resource, or contact your Administrator to ensure Secrets Management was correctly configured. Please see Server's application log for further information. (System.InvalidOperationException)
2022-07-04 08:26:13: POST https://**.***.*.*:4433/rcs/v1/getSecret returned Forbidden ""
The ip in the logs is not the one from my server (some aws ec2 but not the infrasctructure’s one)
Thanks for any help
@Eisteed I’m having the same problem; I see similar threads in the forum about the same error, but I don’t see any solutions. Simply assigning roles to the spot fleet instances does not solve it for me. Have you had any luck?
The only workaround appears to be to re-install the repository with Secrets Management disabled.
2022-12-08 14:55:05: ERROR: Scheduler Thread - Unexpected Error Occurred
2022-12-08 14:55:05: Scheduler Thread - Failed to retrieve the secret (/admin/ublsettings/UsageBasedURL), this operation was forbidden. Please ensure you have been granted access to this resource, or contact your Administrator to ensure Secrets Management was correctly configured. Please see Server’s application log for further information. (System.InvalidOperationException)
2022-12-08 14:55:09: POST returned Forbidden “” (Deadline.Net.Clients.Http.DeadlineHttpRequestException)
Re-install repository without secrets was only thing that worked for me after hours with aws support calls/screenshares. They agreed it was flawed and buggy at the time. That was also when i was doing it myself. Our more recent Deadline setup was done through an AWS preferred partner. I will ask them and see if they used secrets in the setup.