Currently a non-critical error with AWS and 3dsMax rendering. This seems similar, but a bit different than the error from the Aug 2018 thread
The render result is fine, but the files don’t get pushed during the pre-cache phase. One typical Asset Server log error is:
1578499125.157000 2020-01-08 10:58:45,157 [C:\Program Files (x86)\Thinkbox
\AWSPortalAssetServer\] [root] [10744]
[ThreadPoolExecutor-0_0] [ERROR] Could not precache file u'\\\\wombat\\work
as it is not in a share.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Thinkbox\AWSPortalAssetServer\",
line 190, in PrecacheFiles
share = self.shares.get_share_from_local_path(filename)
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Thinkbox\AWSPortalAssetServer\awsportalassetserverlib
\", line 108, in get_share_from_local_path
raise error_handling.PathOutOfBoundsError
('Cannot determine share for local path: %s' % path)
Please note that “//wombat/work” is already specified as a root directory. Also, all the erroring file paths are prefixed with a ‘u’ in the logs, as well as looking ‘escaped’ with an extra \ (?)
Possible wrinkle: The file source here is a Linux SMB server, working as a AD domain server. But, local and AWS rendering are working fine; the pre-cache seems to be the only issue.
So, who likes a good puzzle?