Backburner Partititions

Quote from Bobo at CGTalk:

"Krakatoa would render on Backburner as any other renderer, we just don't support partitioning on Backburner, but you are free to partition locally"

Any reason why? Any limitation in Backburner for doing this?

Artur Leão


Any reason why? Any limitation

in Backburner for doing this?

Probably not. The main reason is that Frantic Films stopped using Backburner many years ago and developed Deadline because in those days, BB sucked big time for serious production. I personally have zero experience running scripts on BB. Thus, we cannot provide support for Backburner in Krakatoa that is production proven. In addition, Autodesk made it clear this Siggraph that Backburner will not be developed further.

That being said, Krakatoa supports Deadline partitioning via a set of MAXScripts and I guess that it wouldn’t take much for someone who does know how to script Backburner to add support for it.

From what I've read, would it be something like sending individual partiticions to the backburner and only adding to the output name part1of3.prt with the corresponding Partition range from 1 to 1 then changing the name to part2of3.prt and Partition range from 2 to 2 and so on and so on?

Artur Leão


From what I’ve read, would it

be something like sending

individual partiticions to the

backburner and only adding to

the output name part1of3.prt

with the corresponding

Partition range from 1 to

1 then changing the name to

part2of3.prt and Partition

range from 2 to 2 and so on

and so on?

Yes, the one Deadline submission mode simply changes the output path and submits a job, then changes again and submits another and so on.

The second mode submits just one scripted job where the script deals with the partitioning, one task per partition.

The first mode should be really easy to implement on Backburner - all the code is already there, only the submission part where Max creates the job has to be implemented.

I might take a look into it next week, but will have to talk to the Deadline developer whether we have a Backburner testfarm to play with and see if it actually works.

That would be great, I was hoping to look into it also, it would be a great addon since we only work with Backburner at the moment. I already did a change to the GUI that I think it was laking of but I bet you can do it even better, anyway here's the code I've used/added into the :


menuitem mnu_CustomFrames "Custom Frames" checked:(rendTimeType == 4)

separator spr_20 filter:filterFN

menuitem mnu_NetRender "Net Render" checked:rendUseNet enabled:((FranticParticles.GetProperty "ParticleMode")=="Render Scene Particles")

separator spr_30 filter:filterFN

menuitem mnu_SaveAttenuationMaps "Save Attenuation Maps" checked:(FranticParticles.GetBoolProperty "EnableAttenuationMapSaving") enabled:(rendSaveFile and rendOutputFileName != "")

on mnu_NetRender picked do


oldState = renderSceneDialog.isOpen()


rendUseNet = not rendUseNet

if oldstate do



Artur Leão


Hi there Bobo, I’ve already implemented the backburner partition submission in a very basic level, is it ok to post it here?

Artur Leão


>Hi there Bobo, I've already implemented the
>backburner partition submission in a very basic level,
>is it ok to post it here?

Hi  Artur,

Of course, feel free to post it!

Hehe thanks, I haven't tried it yet because our renderfarm is currently being used in prodution, but if someone can try it, that would be awesome. I'll try to add some features as needed.


PS- It would be wise to backup your original file :)

Artur Leão
