Big Old Suspend Farm Button


As a farm administrator I have to occasionally power down the whole renderfarm in order to run maintenance on the server. As such it would be useful if there was a way to pause Deadline, at the moment I suspend all the jobs, then shut down pulse and run the maintenance. I could do something like shut all the slaves down, but that’s also a pain because they don’t always all come back on and we use the power management controls and that fires them back up again! Ideally what I’d like is a big button to pause all deadline activity, then I can run my maintenance and unpause the farm. I don’t know if this is something that’s possible or if there’s something that does this within Deadline already?



In Tools menu in the monitor while in super user mode, there is a Suspend All Jobs option, and then an option to resume them. This gets you part of the way there. :slight_smile:


  • Ryan

Hi Ryan,

Yeah I did see that, sometimes the guys suspend jobs though so it’s a pain to remember which ones need to stay suspended. To be honest it’s not a big deal but it can sometimes take an age to suspend all the jobs and the slaves are still communicating with the server even if there are no jobs to actively render.
